By Laws of Mead Fishing and Hunting Club
Revised September 2020
Reviewed September 2022
The goal of the Mead Fishing Club is to have members who are true and good sportsmen and provide them with quality fishing and hunting, and an enjoyable outdoor experience in a select private setting. To attain this goal, all members are encouraged to catch and release, and kill fish and game only for immediate consumption while protecting the environment of the lake.
1. Name. The corporation shall be known as the Mead Fishing and Hunting Club. 2. Offices. The principal office of the Corporation shall be located in the State of Colorado The corporation may have such other offices, either within or outside the State of Colorado, as the Board of Directors may designate or as the business of the Corporation may require from time to time. The registered office of the Corporation may be but not need be; Identical with the principal office in the State of Colorado, and the address of the registered office may be changed from time to time by the Board of Directors.
1. Member defined. The members of the corporation shall consist of those individuals so designated as such. In no case shall there be more members than two Hundred (200) members, plus the Board of Directors as any one time.
2. Nomination for membership. After being a member in good standing for one (1) year, any member may nominate for consideration for membership and individual of his/her choice by advising the Board of Directors in writing. By so nominating a prospective member, such nominating member acknowledges and agrees to supervise and be responsible for the new member’s probationary status for a period of two (2) years beginning from the time the new member accepts the membership. If your membership is dropped or lapsed, your position on the nominating list will also be dropped. The Board of Directors shall maintain a list of current members requesting new members. This list shall be updated at least yearly and posted on the bulletin board. The prospective member must be at least eighteen (18) years of age and will be subjected to interview as required by the board of Directors. Once a prospective member’s nomination has been accepted for membership, the sponsoring member is required to wait at least one full year before submitting another Request.
3. Election of New Members. At the regular annual meeting of the Board of Directors, the Board of Directors may elect new members, subject to the limitations of contained in these By-laws.
4. Death of a Member and/or Transfer of Membership. Memberships may be passed to any immediate family member only. Upon the death of any member, the membership may be passed to any immediate family member, per approval of the Board of Directors, under Article II, paragraph 2 of these By-laws. Immediate family members include the Father, Mother, Spouse, Son, Daughter, or Grandchild of the deceased member. Multiple transfers of the same membership will be allowed to other family members if the immediate family link can be established. (Example: A member can transfer directly to an uncle if his parent is alive and could have been a transfer from the member to his parent then to his parent’s brother.) In the event that the membership is not renewed or is not transferred to a family member, the membership will be offered to the next person on the Sponsors waiting list. Under no circumstances can the membership be sold to another Member or anyone outside the club membership.
5. Membership Non-assignable. The membership and the rights and privileges of a member shall not be assignable.
6. Courtesy Memberships. Non-voting and nonassignable, courtesy memberships may be made available only on a year-to-year basis to the Ditch Rider, the Ditch Superintendant of the Handy Ditch Company. Honorary, lifetime, perpetual, or similar type memberships shall not be granted, created, or made available.
7. Voting. Each member shall have only one vote at a meeting of the members.
8. Membership Card. Cards representing membership of the Corporation may be in such form as shall be determined by the Board of Directors. Such cards may be signed by the President or the Vice President, or by the Secretary/Treasurer. Each card shall be consecutively numbered or otherwise identified. The name and address of the person to whom the membership represented thereby is issued and the date of the issue shall be entered in the books of the Corporation.
1. Board of Directors. The general management of the affairs of the Corporation shall be vested in the Board of Directors. The number of Directors shall be Five (5).
1. Annual Meeting of Members, The annual meeting of the members of the Corporation shall be held on the third (3rd) Thursday of September of the Year, at the hours of 7:00 p.m., or at such other time on such day as shall be fixed by the Board of Directors, for the purposes of Electing Directors and for the transaction of such business as may come before the meeting. Notice of meeting time and place shall be conveyed at least ten (10) days previous thereto.
2. Special Meetings of the Members. Special meetings of members may be called by the President at any time on his/her own initiative, or by the President upon the request of at least one-fourth (1/4) of all the members to such officer made in writing, or by the Board of Directors. Notice of the meeting shall be conveyed be conveyed to each member at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting, and at such special meeting there shall only be considered business as specified in the notice of the meeting.
3. Quorum of Member’s Meeting Voting. At all meetings of the Corporation, either regular or special, those members in good standing who are present shall constitute a quorum.
4. Order of Business. At all meetings of the Corporation, the order of business shall be as follows:
A. Reading of the minutes of the immediate prior meeting for information and approval.
B. Reports of Officers
C. Reports of Committees
D. Election of Directors (at Annual Meeting)
E. Unfinished Business F. New Business
5. Meetings. An annual meeting of the Board of Directors shall be held without other notice than this By-law provision immediately after, and at the same place as, the annual meeting of members. Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be called by the President on his/her own initiative whenever in his/her judgment it may be deemed necessary, or by the Secretary/Treasurer upon request of two (2) of any members of the Board of Directors.
6. Quorum for Board Meeting. A majority of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum.
7. Manner of Acting. The act of the majority of the Board of Directors present at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the act of the Board of Directors. Any action required or permitted to be taken without a meeting if consent in writing, setting forth action so taken, shall be signed by all of the Directors.
1. Election of Directors. The Directors of the Corporation shall be elected at the annual meeting. Each member shall be entitled to one (1) vote for each Director to be elected and the candidate receiving a majority of the votes cast shall be declared elected. The directors shall serve a three-year term at which time they may be re-elected or shall be removed and be replaced through election by the attending body at the annual meeting.
2. Vacancies in Office. If a vacancy occurs among the officers or in the Board of Directors, the vacancy shall be filled for the unexpired term by the Board of Directors.
3. Election of Officers. The Board of Directors shall elect, from among their numbers, a President, one or more Vice Presidents, a Secretary/Treasurer, and such assistant officers as may be deemed necessary by the Board of Directors. Officers shall be members of the Corporation and shall be residents of the State of Colorado.
1. President. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Corporation and of the Board of Directors and shall appoint committees as he/she shall consider expedient or necessary.
2. Vice President. In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall perform the duties of the President. In the absence of both the President and Vice President, the Secretary/Treasurer shall preside and assume the duties of the President
3. The Secretary/Treasurer shall keep the minutes of all the meetings of the Corporation and of the Board of Directors. The Secretary/Treasurer shall keep accurate accounts and collect all application fees, dues, and charges due from members, and perform such other duties as me be required of him/her by the By-laws, the President, or the Board of Directors. The Secretary/Treasurer shall have charge of all receipts and moneys of the Corporation in a bank approved by the Board of Directors and shall disburse funds as ordered by the Board of Directors. He/she shall keep regular accounts of receipts and disbursements, submit his/her records when requested to do so, and give an itemized statement at regular meetings of the Corporation.
4. Execution of Instruments. The President and the Secretary/Treasurer shall, on being so directed by the Board of Directors, sign all leases, contracts, or other instruments in writing.
5. Term Limits. The Presidential and Vice Presidential positions cannot be held by the same person for more than six (6) consecutive years; To serve more than six (6) years, a person must be out of office for a minimum of three (3) years. \
1. Management of the Corporation. The Board of Directors shall have general charge and management of the affairs, funds, and property of the Corporation. The Board shall have full power, and it shall be the duty of the Board to carry out its Article of Incorporation and Bylaws, to determine whether the conduct of any member is detrimental to the welfare of the Corporation, and fix the penalty for such misconduct or any violation of By-laws or Rules.
2. Rule-Making. The Board of Directors may make rules for the conduct of members and use of the Corporation’s property, and define and limit the fishing, boating, and hunting privileges of the members and their guests, not inconsistent, however, with anything set forth in these By-laws.
3. Appointment of Committees. The Board of Directors may appoint committees as it deems necessary. It may vote to approve expenditures of moneys necessary or advisable, and it may contract in the name of the Corporation for the lease or purchase of water rights, properties, or facilities for the use of members.
4. Place of Directors’ Meetings. The meeting of the Directors may be held any place designated by the Board of Directors.
5. Compensation of Directors. The Board of Directors shall be exempt from payment of annual dues during their tenure as just compensation for their service. No such payment shall preclude any Directors from service the Corporation in any other capacity and receiving compensation therefore.
6. Removal. Any elected Director may be removed, either with or without cause, at any time by a majority vote of all members of the Corporation at any special meeting called for that purpose or at any annual meeting. Any officer may be may be removed by the Board of Directors at any time by the majority vote of the Directors present at a meeting.
7. Assignment of Duties. The board of Directors may appoint by a majority vote of the Directors a member(s) to serve as capacity of caretaker(s), whose responsibility is to verse fish stocking and to coordinate work days and other maintenance issues. He/she will also communicate with the Ditch Rider, or the Ditch Superintendant of the Handy Ditch Company any issues that may arise that may require the Board of Director’s attention. This position may be either compensated or uncompensated as agreed upon by the Board of Directors. This agreement may be changed at the discretion of the Board of Directors by a majority vote.
1. Application Fee. (Initiation Fees) On all applications by persons for membership shall be accompanied by a fee of such amounts as the Board of Directors may from time to time determine which shall become property of the Corporation the event the application is elected. In the event the applicant is not elected, the fee shall be returned to him/her. Currently the Fee is $600.00
2. Annual Dues. The annual dues of members for each year or for part of the year where a person becomes a member during the year shall be such amount as set by the Board of Directors. Unless otherwise specifically provided by the Board, such annual charge shall be due on or before August 31st by 5:00 P.M. or if mailed postmarked by 12:00 midnight of August 31st . If these dues are submitted at the annual meeting with a late fee equal to the Initiation fee of $600.00 the membership will be re-instated. Failure to meet this commitment shall result in immediate termination of membership.
3. Other Assessments. The Board of Directors may from time to time establish an interim charge or assessment per membership for unexpected or emergency expenses, including but not limited to engineering fees, accounting fees, legal fees, insurance premiums, and construction costs; The date such interim charges shall be due and payable shall be specifically designated. Any such interim charges shall not exceed the annual dues by Fifty (50%) percent during one calendar year without approval of the membership, by majority vote, at any special meeting of members.
The Fiscal year of the Corporation shall begin on the first day of October and end on the last day of September to cover the Tax Requirements of the NonProfit Status of the Corporation.
These By-laws can be amended by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.
All notices to the members shall be either Emailed or Mailed to their appropriate address as given to the records for the books of the Corporation, and such “mailings / Emailing” shall constitute presumptive evidence of service thereof. Any waiver of any required notice, signed by the person entitled to such notice, shall be the equivalent to giving of such notice. Members shall be responsible for providing correct information if changes occur.
Each Director and Officer of the Corporation now and hereafter serving as such, shall be indemnified by the Corporation against any and all claims and liabilities to which he/she has or shall become subject by reason of serving or having served as such, and the Corporation shall reimburse each such person for all legal expenses reasonably incurred by him/her in connection with any such claim or liability; However that no such person shall be indemnified against, or be reimbursed for any expenses incurred in connection with any claim or liability arising out of his/her willful misconduct or gross negligence. The right of indemnity provided herein shall not be exclusive but shall be in addition to any rights to which such person may otherwise be entitled by law.
ARTICLE XIII- INSURANCE To the extent deemed feasible by the Board of Directors, property insurance for casualty and liability coverage’s, and Directors’ and Officers’ insurance for errors and omissions coverage’s, may be obtained and maintained in such amounts as may be consistent with good business and insurance practices.
Rights of Guests to Use Facilities: No person except a member of the Corporation, and guests as provided by these rules, shall use any waters, properties, or facilities owned, leased, or contracted for by the Corporation without being accompanied by a member.
Expulsion: Any member whose conduct violates these rules may be expelled from membership by a majority vote of the Board of Directors, after due notice to such member and the giving to him/her the opportunity to be heard. Additional Rules and Regulations: The Board of Directors may establish and enforce all additional rules and regulations deemed advisable and necessary. Members and guests are advised of the following additional rules: Members shall not damage any property, remove any rocks from the dikes, throw foreign matter into the lake, tamper with head gates, or dig worms on Lake Property. Members and guests must conduct themselves in an orderly manner when on Lake Property.
Each member is allowed four (4) guests, including family members, to hunt fish with him/her. Members must be with their guests at all times.
All fishing poles must be attended, except for short absences for situations like restroom, drinks, trips to car, etc. Only rod and reel fishing are allowed and limited to two (2) rods per member. A second rod stamp is not required. Unless clarified in the By-laws, all State of Colorado rules shall apply to the Lake.
It is illegal to throw back any fish that has been guthooked or damaged beyond reasonable recovery.
No member can catch fish for another member. Fish caught by a guest are considered part of the member’s daily bag limit. No member shall bring as a guest any person that has been expelled from the Mead Fishing Club.
Members must keep the premises clean; They must pick up all cans, garbage, trash, spent shells, etc. from the area and carry it out with them when they leave the property. Remember if a member brought it in, the member takes it home. There shall be no swimming or water skiing in or on the lake.
There shall be not discharging of firearms on Lake Property except during regular hunting seasons or as deemed necessary by the President. There will be no hunting from the Lake entrance east along the dam around the Lake to the North Pump house. This includes small game and Waterfowl.
Members shall keep their pets under control at all times while on the Lake Property.
Members must clean up Pet wastes in the RV and picnic areas.
Boating shall only be at speeds causing no white water wakes, except during adverse conditions.
All members are required to follow the Mussel control program as defined by the Handy Ditch Company and the Mead Board of Directors.
All member’s boats and boat trailers are required to display the owner’s membership identification number on the right rear half of the boat as viewed from the front (Port, side aft). Numbers are to be three (3) inches in height and of contrasting color. The boat trailer is to display the number on the trailer tongue.
Guest boats will be allowed on the Lake so long so long as the boat is accompanied by a member and carries the membership identification number and meets the Mussel clean boat requirement.
A member may not have his/her boat and a guest boat on the Lake at the same time. Only one boat per membership is allowed on the Lake at any given time.
Guest boats may have the member’s membership identification number attached permanently or on a temporary placard, hanging from the rear port side. Boats not numbered in this manner will be denied access to Welch Lake. Boat owners must maintain their own storage areas. Use of club mowers and trimmers (available in the locked storage Conex’s) is permissible.
Boats with or without motors shall be allowed on the lake during all duck and goose seasons for the purpose of transporting hunters and equipment to hunting areas and for retrieving downed game.
During waterfowl seasons, fishing from a boat is permissible only between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 3 p.m. Boats shall be operated during this time period at trolling speeds only. Unless requested by a hunter, fishing boats shall not retrieve any downed game.
All boats on trailers and empty trailers must be parked in the boat parking area south to the east dike, or in a position completely out of the way of vehicle traffic in parking areas (i.e. between buildings, trailers, or recreation vehicles units that are parked in designated areas).
No vehicles may encroach on the south east side of the property by the Handy Ditch Company Building within 70ft of the radius away from the building to the west for ANY reason, either during turning, backing up, or otherwise.
No off the road vehicles, motorcycles, ATV’s, OTV’s can be operated on Lake Property.
Each member is required to work at least one (1) workday per year. If any member is unable to attend at least one work day, he/she will be charged an additional $75 when renewing his/her membership. There shall be no fishing or hunting on a work day during the time work is in progress. Any member over the age of seventy (70) is exempt from this requirement. Any member of any age that has a condition, health or otherwise that precludes the being able to work is exempt if they notify a Board Member that the requirement will pose a hardship on the member.
The Club is a Non-Profit organization. Members are not allowed to charge requests for use of the Lake.
Open Fires must be in a fire ring and have a member in attendance at all times. TRAILER AND RV’S (see separate rules and regulations for Trailers and RV’S)
These By-laws became effective as of November 01, 2019 Ed Roe 09-14-20 President MFC Brett Ratner 09-14-20 Secretary/Treasurer
Fish Size and Limits *
Walleye…………………………......................…..15 Inches
Bass (large, small, and Black)……. 13 Inches
White Bass………………….................……......…..None
Catfish (channel or Blue)…….....…….12 Inches
Bluegill…………………………......................……6 Inches
Trout and Salmon…………..........…........…….None
Catfish (bullheads, yellow or mud)…None
Perch (yellow, ringed etc.)……........……..None
Carp (bugle mouth bass)…….........………None
Bag Limits
Six fish daily limit in total aggregate *
Walleye………………………Three (3) fish total
Trout and Salmon
Bass (Large, Small mouth)
Catfish (channel or Blue)
Bluegill and Crappie
A six fish limit may contain no more than 3 walleye
Perch, suckers, carp, bullheads ……..No Limit
Wiper or White Bass ……………….............No Limit
*Slot limit on all walleye, you may keep three (3) fish between 15” and 18” and only (1) of the three fish can be over 21”, all others over 18” and less than 21” must be returned immediately back to the lake. •
** In aggregate means; the bag limit may consist of six (6) of one species (except walleye) or a “mixed bag” of one or more species for a total of six (6) fish. Example six (6) trout, or three (3) walleye, and three bass, or (2) trout, one (1) cat fish, one (1) Bass, one (1) Crappie, and one (1) bluegill. Members must be sure that they do not exceed a total of six (6) fish per day, and that three (3) of those six fish are walleye. Fishing is allowed on stocking days. No member can have more than six (6) fish between themselves and their guests in total.